Common causes of breakers

The breaker hammer is an important attachment of the excavator. It can break stones and rocks more effectively during construction and improve work efficiency. It is widely used in mining, metallurgy, transportation, railways, tunnels and other construction fields. Due to poor working environment, improper use and other reasons, breaker hammers often suffer from adverse symptoms such as decreased strike frequency and decreased strength. Let’s take a look at the common faults and solutions of hydraulic breakers.

Common causes of breakers

1. Frequency decreases
The main reasons for the decrease in the frequency of breakers are insufficient pressure or flow in the hydraulic system, loosening of the drill rod, wear of hydraulic seals, contamination of hydraulic grease, failure of safety valves, etc.
Solution: Check the oil pump of the hydraulic breaker, and adjust the oil pressure and flow rate that are too high or too low to control the hammer head; check the oil line of the hydraulic breaker to avoid blockage in the pipeline and affect the hydraulic breaker impact frequency; replace worn parts. Tighten the drill rod and fix the drill rod.

2. Decrease in intensity
The reason for the decrease in strength is oil line leakage, insufficient stroke of the hydraulic breaker control bolt, blockage of the hydraulic breaker oil line, and excessive oil temperature of the hydraulic breaker. These will cause the hydraulic breaker to have a reduced impact force, insufficient impact stroke, and the hydraulic breaker Overall work performance decreases.
Solution: Check and adjust the hydraulic system and nitrogen pressure. If the parts are poorly sealed, grind or replace the components and clean the hydraulic lines.

3. Incoherent movements
There are three main situations in which poor action continuity occurs. The first is that the oil line is blocked, resulting in unsmooth oil supply and the piston cannot obtain stable power. Insufficient pressure in the hydraulic system, wrong direction of the reversing valve, stuck piston, malfunctioning stop valve and other problems lead to problems such as impact stagnation. Another problem is that the drill rod is stuck, and the continuity and periodicity of the hydraulic breaker are affected.
Solution: Check the hydraulic oil line, and clean or replace the blocked parts in time; focus on checking the oil pipe interface, direction of the reversing valve, stop valve, and piston; check and adjust the condition of the drill rod, and use a grinding wheel on the drill rod with problems Or grind it with oilstone and add lubricating oil in time.

4. Oil leakage
The main cause of oil leakage is excessive wear of sealing rings and other parts, resulting in poor sealing performance. The oil line joint is loose.
Solution: According to the specific location of the oil leakage, replace the corresponding sealing ring and tighten the oil pipe joint.

5. Abnormal vibration of hydraulic breaker oil pipe
The leakage diaphragm of the accumulator is damaged, and the nitrogen pressure of the breaker handle body is reduced.
Solution: Check the accumulator gas pressure. If the specified pressure cannot be maintained, check whether the diaphragm is damaged. In addition, the nitrogen pressure of the hydraulic breaker should be adjusted to make it balanced.

Common causes of breakers’ failures include blockage of the hydraulic oil circuit, excessive wear of valve body sealing rings and other components, and abnormal oil and gas pressure. Since the breaker is composed of a series of precision components, if used improperly, it can easily cause the above failures. Therefore, in daily use, develop good usage habits, check and maintain frequently, so as to prevent problems before they occur and avoid unnecessary losses.

If you need to buy a breaker, please contact us. CCMIE not only sells various spare parts, but also related construction machinery.

Post time: Mar-19-2024