Daily maintenance tips for graders

Graders, as a type of heavy engineering machinery and equipment, play an important role in construction, road construction and other projects. However, in order to ensure its long-term stable operation, correct maintenance and upkeep is indispensable. This article will introduce some basic knowledge and skills about grader maintenance.

Daily maintenance tips for graders

When performing machine maintenance, please carefully follow the safety rules: Park the grader on a flat surface, put the transmission in “NEUTRAL” mode, and use the handbrake; move the dozer blade and all attachments to the ground, not downwards Apply pressure; shut off engine.

Routine technical maintenance includes checking control lights, oil disc brake container level, engine air filter obstruction indicator, hydraulic oil level, coolant level and fuel level, etc. In addition, the middle position of the transmission oil level at idle speed is also worthy of attention. Through these daily inspections, problems can be discovered and solved in time to prevent a small gain from being lost. Of course, in addition to daily maintenance, periodic technical maintenance is equally important. According to the detailed maintenance schedule, corresponding maintenance work should be carried out every other week, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 hours. This includes checking the wear and tear of various components and replacing damaged parts in a timely manner to ensure the normal operation of the machine.

What if the grader needs to be parked for a long time? At this time, special attention should be paid to maintenance methods. For example, when a motor grader is out of service for more than 30 days, it must be ensured that its parts are not exposed to the outside. Clean the grader thoroughly, making sure all corrosive residue is flushed away. At the same time, open the drain valve at the bottom of the fuel tank and place about 1 liter of fuel to remove accumulated water. Replacing the air filter, machine filter, and adding fuel stabilizer and preservative to the fuel tank are also very necessary steps.

Whether it is daily technical maintenance, periodic maintenance, or even long-term parking maintenance, it has a direct impact on the service life and working efficiency of the grader. Therefore, mastering correct maintenance knowledge can not only extend the service life of equipment, but also improve work efficiency, providing a strong guarantee for the smooth progress of engineering projects.

If your grader needs to purchase and replace related grader accessories during maintenance or you need a second-hand grader, you can contact us, CCMIE——your one-stop grader supplier.

Post time: Jul-09-2024