How to classify and select excavator antifreeze?

Generally, the choice of antifreeze depends on its cold-resistant temperature. Antifreeze is also classified by its freezing point. If the freezing point is -25°C, it is called -25°C antifreeze. What is freezing point? The freezing point is the temperature at which ice crystals begin to appear on the antifreeze. It is different from the freezing point and pour point of lubricating oil. It is a special characteristic of aqueous solution. Generally, the freezing point is several degrees higher than the freezing point and pour point. It represents the lowest temperature to ensure that the antifreeze does not produce solids that affect circulation. The data for different measurement methods of several indicators are different. For example, a certain antifreeze has a freezing point of -25°C, a freezing point of -33°C, and a pour point of -30°C. At present, the industry standard classifications of antifreeze include -25℃, -30℃, -35℃, -40℃, -45℃, -50℃ and seven categories of concentrated liquid (SHO521-92). As for others, such as -20℃ , -16℃ and other types are classified and produced by enterprises according to actual needs.

The choice of antifreeze should be based on the ambient temperature. For example, if the lowest temperature in winter in a certain area is -28°C, an antifreeze of -35°C will be suitable. Generally, the freezing point of antifreeze is -10°C or -15°C lower than the ambient temperature.

If you need to buy antifreeze or other accessories, you can contact us at any time. If you are interested in construction machinery, you can also contact us. CCMIE has long provided XCMG products and second-hand construction machinery of other brands.

Post time: May-21-2024