The European Cup’s group of death ends: Italy and Spain qualify together

In the early morning of June 25th, Beijing time, Group B of the 2024 European Cup played the last two games of the final round at the same time. The Spanish team, which had secured first place in the group in advance, defeated the Albanian team 1-0 with all substitutes, and advanced to the top 16 with a three-game winning record.

After Modric missed the penalty kick, the Croatian team scored with Modric’s supplementary shot less than 2 minutes later. But the drama of this game was not over yet. At the last moment of 8 minutes of stoppage time, the Italian team scored the ultimate goal. After a 1-1 draw, the Italian team snatched the second place in the group from the Croatian team. , join hands with the Spanish team to qualify! The Azzurri’s opponent in the knockout round will be the second-placed Swiss team in Group A.

The Croatian team currently only has 2 points in hand, and it is basically difficult to qualify as the four best third-placed players!

The European Cup's group of death ends: Italy and Spain qualify together

#EuropeanCup##European CupDeathGroup#

Post time: Jun-25-2024