Why is the water tank of the excavator always short of water?

A strange phenomenon often found in excavators in winter and summer is that the engine water tank is often short of water! The water added the day before started to run out again the next day! The cycle goes back and forth but I can’t figure out what the problem is. Many people don’t take the phenomenon of water leakage and water shortage from the water tank seriously. They think that as long as it does not hinder the normal construction of the excavator, they can be ignored and not dealt with. An experienced driver will tell you that this kind of thinking is unacceptable!

Why is the water tank of the excavator always short of water?

Water tank function

We all know that as the main component of the engine cooling system, the water tank’s function is to dissipate heat and achieve the ability to reduce the engine temperature. Specifically, when the engine water temperature is too high, the thermostat opens, and the water pump circulates water repeatedly to reduce the engine temperature. (The water tank is made of hollow copper tubes. High-temperature water enters The water tank is air-cooled and circulated into the engine water channel) to protect the engine. If the water temperature is too low in winter and the thermostat does not open, the water circulation will be stopped at this time to prevent the engine temperature from being too low. Simply speaking, the function of the auxiliary water tank is that when the engine water temperature is high, the water in the water tank will flow to the auxiliary water tank due to thermal expansion and contraction. When the temperature drops, it will flow back to the water tank. There will be no waste of coolant in the whole process. , which is what the saying goes: lack of water.


When water leakage or water shortage occurs in the water tank, the ability to cool the engine is greatly reduced, and the ultimate purpose of protecting the engine cannot be achieved. When this fault occurs, the first thing to check is whether the auxiliary water tank is damaged or leaking. It can be seen that the role of the auxiliary water tank is very important, and the auxiliary water tank ages very frequently due to reasons such as material and frequency of use, so the owner needs to frequently check whether there is any damage.

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Post time: Jun-25-2024